Colour Therapy Programmes For Schools - Schwan-STABILO -Most colourful Stationery Shop

Colour Therapy Programmes For Schools

The Power of Colours for Mental Wellbeing

Since July 2021, STABILO Singapore has reached out to numerous schools by collaborating with independent colour therapist Ms. Veronica Tan Lyann to create tailored programs for students, educators, counselors, and parents. These programmes tap into the therapeutic power of colour, art, and creative expression, providing practical self-help strategies to cope with life’s increasing demands.

Colours have a profound impact on us, influencing our hormones, emotions, and cognition by stimulating specific pathways in the brain. They subtly shape our mood, behavior, and even physiological responses. Each hue carries hidden messages that resonate beyond our conscious awareness. Through these workshops, participants will learn techniques that empower them to lead healthier, happier lives. Discover how to harness the transformative power of colours to manage stress, regulate emotions, and improve overall well-being—benefiting body, mind, and spirit.


“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”~ Frederick Douglass


Discover the power of colours with our engaging workshops designed to inspire students, educators, and counsellors alike!

For students, "Spectrum of Emotions" helps them build emotional resilience and manage stress using colours and creative expression. In "I am Hue-man," students embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, unlocking their potential through the magic of colours.

For educators and counsellors, "Reflection of Hues" reveals how to use colours to unleash student potential and improve behaviour, while "BeHuetiful Moments of Self-Care" focuses on enhancing personal well-being, preventing burnout, and staying mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy.

Join us to explore how colours can transform your mindset and wellbeing, check out this online brochure

Email us at to enquire about our programmes for schools. 


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